Gay Paris
OF ALL THE THINGS that Paris is famous for—the historic neighborhoods, the amazing museums, the spectacular food—what’s often overlooked is Paris’ importance in LGBT history and culture. France…More
OF ALL THE THINGS that Paris is famous for—the historic neighborhoods, the amazing museums, the spectacular food—what’s often overlooked is Paris’ importance in LGBT history and culture. France…More
Before leaving for San Francisco in the early 1970s, I had been involved in the Civil Rights struggles in the South and protested against a senseless war…More
Police were stumped when house after house was getting robbed in a Portland, Oregon, neighborhood, and the burglar kept eluding capture. He would take the usual items of value—cash,…More
LAID OUT in two galleries on two floors of the museum, Gay Gotham has three chronological sections: “1910-1933, Visible Subcultures”; “1933-1969, Open Secrets”; and “1969-1993, Out New York.”
MoreOn September 27, Immigration Equality and the Brooklyn Community Pride Center launched the LGBTQ New Americans Project, featuring audio and video oral histories of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer…More
ABOUT HALFWAY THROUGH Andrew Lear’s wonderful, recently completed tour of “Gay Greece,” the guys on the trip started calling it the “Penis Tour” due to the large number of nude…More
The homology between guns and penises has been exploited in language and marketing: both are said to “shoot”; both are gauged by their size; and both have to be oiled…More
A retronym is a word like “landline” that renames a familiar item when something new comes along. With the advent of the cellphone, we learned we’d been using landlines…More
The city of Vienna wants to increase pedestrian awareness and safety, so they’ve installed “Walk” and “Wait” signals that feature images of same-sex couples. This comes at a time when…More