Browsing: January-February 2006

January-February 2006

Blog Posts


AFTER the major media success and publicity in 2000 of Rome World Pride, the group behind the event, InterPride (International Association of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Coordinators), elected the organization Jerusalem Open House to organize a similar event entitled “Love Without Borders” in Jerusalem in August 2005. On May 14, 2005, however, …


THE POWER of performance art-its ability to connect with you viscerally-is in the fact that it’s performed live. You the viewer may or may not commit to the performer on stage (or wherever), but when you do, there’s no hiding the effect. Indeed the reaction of the audience is intrinsically connected to the performance itself and informs the work’s effectiveness. But what if the performance went on with viewers who weren’t physically there but instead participated in real time in cyberspace? …


… this is a remarkably dry-eyed journal, which jumps between entries written in 1992, when Katan was diagnosed with Stage III breast cancer in her right breast, and those written ten years later, when she was diagnosed with cancer in her other …


“HANGATURE” is a new word that you’ll learn from Scott Poulson-Bryant’s second book, Hung: A Meditation on the Measure of Black Men in America. It’s one of those words you know only a gay man could have coined. … The author defines it as “the amount of ability a dick had to hang.” In other words, it’s all about the size.


This article was excerpted and adapted from one that first appeared in Sexuality Research & Social Policy: Journal of National Sexuality Resource Center, an on-line academic journal. Copyright ©…More


There were far too many deaths in our community of arts, letters, and politics in late 2004 and in 2005. Herewith is our annual tribute.
