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Revisiting the Lavender Scare
By Ronald Valdiserri
In a speech given … in Wheeling, West Virginia on February 9, 1950, Senator Joseph McCarthy asserted that the U.S. State Department was riddled with “traitors” …
To Boldly Go Homo: An Exhibit Review
By Mark Hayward
In what other city could a pioneering rocket scientist lead occult rituals, a satanic Hollywood studio secretary publish a communist musicologist forever transform queer identity?
Gustave Caillebotte: Painting Men
By Jim Van Buskirk
Three decades after its 1995 exhibition Gustave Caillebotte: Urban Impressionist, the Musée d’Orsay has co-organized another Gustave Caillebotte retrospective.
Here's My Story View all
Those Who Are Saved
By Iryn Tushabe
I didn’t have a boyfriend, so pregnancy checks didn’t bother me. Indeed, they were an opportunity to do the lord’s work; I was omulokole, a saved person.
Bruce and James
By Héctor Vizoso
On Halloween night in 1991, the doorbell rang, and it was Bruce. He was excited and hurried in to tell me to get ready because he had enrolled us in a Halloween competition at the After Dark.
Selamlik and a Bouquet of Wildflowers on Jean Genet’s Grave
By Khaled Alesmael
“Genet wrote about Syria and Palestine!” says Naima, the cemetery caretaker, as she turns the key in the gate’s lock, leading me towards the grave of Jean Genet (1910–1986).