Staff/Board of Directors
Editor-in-Chief and Founder

Richard received his PhD in sociology from Harvard in the early 1980’s. He taught sociology and anthropology as an “itinerant scholar” for the University of Maryland’s European Division for the next five years. He then returned to Boston to become the Director of Research for a Boston-based consulting firm, The Center for Strategy Research, where he remained through most of the 90’s. He founded The Harvard Gay & Lesbian Review in 1994 and has remained its editor ever since.
Literary Editor
Martha E. Stone
Poetry Editor
David Bergman
Web Editor

Originally from California, Allison Armijo (she/they) is a rising senior at Emerson College, studying creative writing. Allison has written for MIT News, Emerson Today, the El Segundo Herald, and most recently, The Los Angeles Times.
Associate Editors
Jeremy Fox
Christopher Hennessy
Michael Schwartz
Contributing Writers
Daniel Burr, Colin Carman, Allen Ellenzweig, Chris Freeman, Cassandra Langer, Andrew Holleran, Jim Nawrocki, James Polchin, Vernon Rosario
Contributing Artist
Charles Hefling

Board of Directors
Art Cohen (Chairman)
Jim Jacobs
Eduardo Febles
Robert Hardman
Stephen Hemrick (Clerk)
David LaFontaine
Andrew Lear
Richard Schneider, Jr. (President)
Martha E. Stone
Thomas Youngren (Treasurer)