Letters to the Editor
Readers’ thoughts.
MoreReaders’ thoughts.
MoreLetters to the editor
MoreReaders’ thoughts.
MoreA Shipload of Exceptions to Billy Budd Article Editors Note:Quite a few letters were received regarding errors in an essay in the July-August issue titled “For the Love of…More
Readers’ thoughts.
MoreAuthor Questions Basis for Review To the Editor: I was disappointed in your review [Nov.-Dec. ’17] of my novel Our Time: San Francisco in the 70s. Your reviewer found my…More
Views on Shelley’s Women Clarified To the Editor: In his review of my book, The Shelley-Byron Men: Lost Angels of a Ruined Paradise [Jan.-Feb. 2018 issue], Daniel A. Burr…More
‘Queen’ Piece Deemed Unworthy To the Editor: Hidden away in the July-August issue with beautiful commentary on remarkably accomplished people—Lincoln Kirstein, Tennessee Williams, Allen Ginsberg, Gore Vidal—is a silly,…More
Author Responds to a Book Review To the Editor: Reviewing my memoir, My Father’s Closet (July-August 2017 issue), Dale Boyer captured the essence of my lifelong dilemma as the…More
Why the “Plain Envelope” Routine? To the Editor: I’ve had a subscription to The G&LR for the past two years. Until I first discovered your publication at a Barnes…More