In the Year of Our Warhol
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Published in: July-August 2010 issue.



Pop: The Genius of Andy Warhol  by Tony Scherman and David DaltonPop: The Genius of Andy Warhol
by Tony Scherman and David Dalton
HarperCollins.  510 pages, $40.


IN THE PAST TWO YEARS, at least two dozen books about Warhol’s life, career, and work have been produced. Is there anything new to say? Tony Scherman and David Dalton’s Pop is an entirely new take on Warhol and his world. Scherman, an award-winning writer about pop Americana, and David Dalton, a founding editor of Rolling Stone magazine, author of some fifteen books, and an assistant on Warhol’s early Pop paintings, have collaborated with an authority that few earlier biographers could match.

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