The Dead Are Everywhere
A SEMI-AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL meditation on death, Alistair McCartney’s The Disintegrations has the feeling of a conversation between new friends, exploring the idea of death through several stories.
MoreA SEMI-AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL meditation on death, Alistair McCartney’s The Disintegrations has the feeling of a conversation between new friends, exploring the idea of death through several stories.
MoreTHERE ARE many reasons to read Janet Mock’s earlier memoir, Redefining Realness (2014), not least of which is that it serves as a prelude, if not a prerequisite, to reading her new book, Surpassing Certainty.
MoreI caught Grand’s act in Provincetown, a one-hour singing tour de force in which he alternates between piano and guitar. I interviewed him in person the next day. Find out more about Steve Grand on his website at
MoreIndecent is at once a compressed history of a daring Yiddish play, God of Vengeance, written by the Polish novelist Sholem Asch in 1907, and a celebration of the stagecraft that makes theater distinct from film.
MorePublic support for all of the arts is under threat in the wake of last November’s election. In this interview, which was conducted by phone in May, O’Hanian addresses the challenges facing both artists and arts organizations in the current political environment.
MoreQueer ecology compels us to study ecological limits and the urgently needed social mechanisms of limiting. If we choose to limit, our behavior becomes a vital part of human ecology as we address climate and habitat change.
MoreI am an Arab homosexual. I have a rough beard and it digs out moan after moan when grazing the asses of my lovers. In my native country, I am queer and flirting with danger.
MoreSpaces like this one are (or were) open to all ages, which was great for younger folks who can’t get into nighttime gay bars; they hosted local activist groups and offered tangible solutions for change at the regional level; they cooked up fresh food for people passing through; put on clothing swap parties; and, most prominently, they gave a platform for Southern queer artists to perform.
MoreTHE 2016 ELECTION stands to have far-reaching effects on public policy affecting LGBT people and people living with HIV, both in the U.S. and abroad. It is in the area of health policy that the LGBT community and people living with HIV (PLWH) stand to lose the most.
MoreEDMUND WHITE lived in Rome for most of 1970. It was his first time living abroad—Paris would come much later—and while his “Roman holiday” lasted less than a year, he included various episodes from his Italian stay in a number of his writings, including in memoirs, essays, and novels. Clearly his time in Rome left an impression, but it must be said that his recollections often have a negative edge when touching on Roman life in general and the gay scene in particular.