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THE AUTHOR of Sex and Unisex begins by quoting Republican candidate Rick Santorum from 2008: “You’re a liberal or a conservative in America if you think the ’60s were a good thing or not. If the ‘60s was a good thing, you’re left. If you think it was a bad thing, you’re right.” Jo B. Paoletti takes up this proposition by analyzing the clothing, hairstyles, and fashionable body types of the 1960s and early ’70s.


The North Haven Journal illuminates a more intimate story still, Bishop’s relationship with the much younger Alice Methfessel, an administrator at Harvard University, where Bishop had begun teaching in 1970.


THIS IS THE SECOND PART of my interview with Edmund White, in which he discusses two books that have recently been released: Jack Holmes and His Friend, a novel; and Sacred Monsters …


“PARIS IS WHERE the 20th century was,” declared that eccentric raconteur and occasional aphorist, Gertrude Stein. Writers like Hemingway, Fitzgerald, and Stein herself, artists like Picasso, Dalí, and…More


THE RECENT DECISION of the United States Supreme Court in Obergefell v. Hodges, recognizing a constitutional right to same-sex marriage, stands as a milestone in GLBT history on a…More


Books Today Are a Fungible Affair To the Editor: In “The Price of Going Mainstream” [May-June 2015], Dolores Klaich mourns the fate of gay and lesbian bookstores, which are…More


Not a Good Match At London’s Pride parade this year, CNN reported spotting a banner representing the terrorist organization ISIS. The implied message seemed to be: ISIS is everywhere,…More

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