‘Lavender menace became a magical term.’
The G&LR talks with a veteran of the Stonewall Era
MoreThe G&LR talks with a veteran of the Stonewall Era
MoreIn The Stonewall Riots: A Documentary History, which will be published by NYU Press in time for the fiftieth anniversary of the Riots, I present 200 documents from 1965 to 1973 that illuminate developments before, during, and after the LGBT movement’s most important turning point.
MoreOver time, the marches have turned into parades. Radical political critiques have been rendered invisible through an æsthetic of celebration.
MoreThe Golden Anniversary approaches, forging ahead like a juggernaut smashing every other puny bit of queer history along the way.
More“ALL WE DID was take the BR–116.” So begins Carol Bensimon’s We All Loved Cowboys, a beguiling road trip novel that lures readers in with promises of adventures in Brazil, then keeps them turning the pages with its sharp observations about gender, sex, and desire.
MoreTo commemorate acclaimed dancer and choreographer Jerome Robbins’s the centennial, two separate tributes warrant our attention: Wendy Lesser’s biography Jerome Robbins: A Life in Dance and the retrospective exhibition Voice of My City: Jerome Robbins and New York.
MoreAS the FIFTHETH ANNIVERSARY of Stonewall approaches, there are numerous visual arts projects illuminating the legacy of early queer liberationists, particularly subsequent generations of out artists who took up the mantle of social and political change.
MoreTHERE ARE several strands running through Kembrew McLeod’s tumultuous history of the art scene in lower Manhattan from the 1960s to the late ’70s—a scene that McLeod believes has had an outsize influence on American and global culture.
MoreThe Favourite has many strong suits, the most impressive of which is its ability to cultivate our emotional investment in a group of characters whose motives are largely veiled. The only fully transparent character is Abigail, who declares: “I am on my side. Always.”
MoreBohemian Rhapsody is essentially a biopic about Queen’s lead singer Freddie Mercury, who died of AIDS-related pneumonia in 1991. In the starring role, Rami Malek (the Emmy-winning star of Mr. Robot) struts about onstage in ballet tights and presents himself, in more ways than one, as the whole package.