

No pulling of punches on this one: Exodus International has just announced that the group is closing its doors forever, and we rejoice. For years E.I.’s mission has been to…More


It’s official: the “gay lobby” in the Vatican that we’ve always heard about, speculated about, suspected to exist, really does exist! The newly seated pope, Francis I, actually used this…More


It all started as a quirky story coming out of sleepy-hollow upstate New York, but before we knew it, Dylan Meehan and Brad Taylor—who had been voted the “cutest couple”…More


A headline in GayStarNews read:  “France: Is this the most homoerotic anti-gay protest ever?” and sure enough, there were the photos of muscular, shirtless dudes in the street protesting France’s same-sex…More


  This was the scene in Budapest this month: The World Jewish Congress took the extraordinary step of holding its quadrennial conference in support of the local Jewish community after recent…More


Which is more improbable, that a tiny island nation of 100,000 is able to field an Olympic swim team, or that one its members is openly gay, fully accepted by…More

Being gay can be grounds for gaining asylum in tolerant countries if you come from, say, Iran, Uganda, or Cameroon, where gays are persecuted. This avenue of escape has caused…More