How Stein and Toklas Waited Out the War
Book Review, Lesbians

In Two Lives Malcolm, Malcolm makes good use of quotations from writers and historians, as well as books written by Stein and Toklas, particularly Wars I Have Seen and The Alice B. Toklas Cook Book.
Be Butch or Be Bashed Book Review
“CHEERING STUDENTS filled River High’s gymnasium. Packed tightly in bleachers, they sang, hol-lered, and danced to loud hip-hop music. Over their heads hung banners celebrating fifty years of River High’s sports victories. The yearly assembly in which the student body voted for the most popular senior boy in the school to be crowned Mr. CougarMore
The Summer of ’69
Book Review

AT ONE POINT in the “true story” of the early years of his life, Elliot Tiber describes meeting Marlon Brando and Wally Cox in the San Remo bar in Greenwich Village. Although this encounter took place over forty years ago, Tiber reproduces, in improbable detail, the conversation of the three men.
Narrative Downshift
Book Review

THE NEW KID opens with Humphrey-named after the Casablanca actor, he explains-experiencing the dread of being “the new kid” in town and school.
Prosody and Footfalls
Book Review

THIS DEEPLY FELT, humorous, and extremely wise book is a remarkable achievement. In Honorable Bandit: A Walk Across Corsica, author Brian Bouldrey takes the reader on a queer journey across Corsica ...
Coming Out Invisible Book Review
... In Timothy James Beck’s new novel, When You Don’t See Me, Nick discovers that his invisibility can be both a curse and a blessing. ...
Pathologizing Unsafe Sex
Book Review

DAVID HALPERIN has a distinguished history of setting aside accepted ways of thinking about gay men’s issues and examining them anew with a clarity and rigor that produce valuable and sometimes surprising insights.
... the year’s most notable event was the October publication of The Joy of Gay Sex, by Charles Silverstein and Edmund White. It was the first book from a mainstream publisher that dared to examine the “how” of homosexuality rather than the “why” approach of both psychologists and priests.
Darren Hayes Sings of That Open Book, His Life
Artist's Profile, Interview

I spoke by phone with Darren Hayes, who was at his home in the Notting Hill district of London just prior to leaving for his 2007 “Time Machine” concert tour.
Short Reviews Briefs, Poetry
Reviews of Inside This House by Pam Crow and Chain of Fools : A Donald Strachey Mystery by Richard Stevenson.
Whether It’s a ‘Choice’ or Not Is Irrelevant
Cultural History

Is homosexuality a choice or a biological imperative? The debate rages as science looks for an explanation, and many gay people applaud each new study that points to a biological cause. But it shouldn’t matter.
The comments made in 2005 by Lawrence Summers, then president of Harvard, about the “innate inability” of women to do math, aroused a firestorm among female scientists. As a lesbian, I feel the same way about the increasing number of publications contrasting the “homosexual” brain with the “heterosexual” brain.
Harry Hay’s Essentialism

“We are a Separate People, with, in several measurable respects, a rather different window on the world, a different consciousness which may be triggered into being by our lovely sexuality.” Harry Hay, 1983
THE “NATURE-NURTURE” DEBATE has always been more about politics than about science. Notwithstanding the appealing alliteration, the two terms of this opposition go back to an ancient debate between biology and social learning. When applied to the problem of the etiology of homosexuality, the debate as it’s carried on today easily morphs into a conflictMore
THAT MANY OR MOST of the prominent figures of the Harlem Renaissance were gay or bisexual has become such a commonplace that Henry Louis Gates, Jr. could assert in 1993 that the Harlem Renaissance “was surely as gay as it was black, not that it was exclusively either of these.”
The Art of Conspiracy

THE SO-CALLED “HOMINTERN” was an imagined conspiracy of mid- to late-20th-century gay artists whose works and influence served to destabilize Cold War America-or so it was argued by reactionary pundits. ...
Eytan Fox: Outside the Israeli ‘Bubble’
Film, Interview

This exclusive interview with Eytan Fox was conducted in person in Los Angeles late last summer. The interview focused on his most recent movie, The Bubble...
Passages 2007 In Memoriam
Every year, we recount the lives and works of members of the GLBT community and allies that we have lost. Here are some of those who made made a difference who passed away over the last year.
Japan’s Out-of-the-Way Gay World

... Most queer Americans are used to encountering an established gay nightlife in the world’s larger cities (at least those where political oppression is not a factor), and it’s reasonable to expect Tokyo to fall into this category. ...
“Nature Abhors a Category” Interview, Science, Psych, etc.
An interview with the author of Evolution's Rainbow
Brief History of a Recurring Nightmare Science, Psych, etc.
Strange "cures" for an age-old "disease"
The Science of Gaydar
The Arts

Some scientists believe gay men and lesbians share a number of biological characteristics, including the length of fingers, density of fingerprint ridges, direction of hair whorl and other traits. This article appears in the June 25, 2007 issue of New York Magazine.