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Shock and Horror
“SURREAL” is a descriptor that expresses the peculiar sensory experience of the 2016 presidential election. Consider the contrived chaos akin to a “reality show,” the cartoonish quality of much…More
The Double Life of a Korean War Enlistee
I ENLISTED in the U.S. Air Force a year after North Korea invaded South Korea in 1950. I wanted to be a pilot, something that seemed glamorous to…More
Follow-up on the Zombie News
The current BTW reported on an anti-gay group calling itself the “Gay Zombies Cannabis Consumer’s [sic] Association” infiltrating Toronto’s annual Pride parade wearing ridiculous outfits that they thought would bring…More
Editor, Richard Schneider on Healing Stigma
In this episode of Healing Stigma on Left of Str8 Radio, Richard Schneider, founder and editor-in-chief of The Gay & Lesbian Review Worldwide, joins Kevin Hogan and Scott Fullerton for a lively,…More