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Living in Gay Limbo
by Mike Maloney
I first entered gay limbo over fifteen years ago when I came out to my wife and two adult sons at around the age of fifty-five…and I’ve been here ever since…
Shattered Queer Utopia: The Quiet Prevalence of Violence within Our Community
by Lindsey Goodrow
There is a quiet prevalence of muting the voices of the abused in our own community. It is whimsical to claim that LGBT people have escaped the abuse that’s prevalent in straight society and found a magical utopia free of partner abuse and violence. That utopia does not exist…
Transgender Visibility in Politics Key to Overall Well-Being of LGBT Community in 2021
by Dr. Sherman Leis
The growing number of transgender politicians elected and named to high-profile positions signals new opportunities to gain a voice in government in order to achieve more equitable legal protections and healthcare for the whole community, especially those who are not as visible…
Let’s all go to the John
Film director John Waters has donated his entire art collection to the Baltimore Museum of Art, and in return he required only that they name the museum’s restrooms after him.