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Aaron Foxman and the Postmodern Torah Holders
By Marc Weiner
Ron Foxman was just making casual conversation when he pointed at the Torah holder on the right and said to my father: “Well, if that doesn’t look like an erect penis jutting out from a pair of thighs, then I don’t know what does.”
In Praise of Brigid Brophy: Novelist and Activist
By D.R. Michael
Imagine the common enough scenario of an adolescent boy turning into a young man and realizing that he is attracted to members of his own sex. Add the geographic context: a small village in the remote countryside many miles from the nearest town, and even further from a city—it does not even matter in which country, the preconditions are the same—resulting in isolation.
All the Life I’ve Known
By William McMillan
The shower in my motel room heats quickly, so I don’t have to be cold, wet, and naked for long. There’s excellent pressure, the water blasting out as if from a hydrant, creating a racket that muffles the noise roaring out from my chest. …
‘Comfort with’ versus ‘Acceptance of’ LGBT People
By Laura Moreno
A 2019 GLAAD study that found that people 18 to 34 years old are less comfortable than other groups in personal situations involving people of different gender orientations. But here’s why jumping to the conclusion that this indicates eroding LGBT acceptance is a misrepresentation of the data.