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FROM THE START of The Dust of Wonderland, whose tone is established in the introduction’s stalking scene, this tale is nothing if not unsettling. The reader is made to feel the main character’s despair and horror, his frustration at not being able to solve a near homicide.


EVAN FALLENBERG’S Light Fell is a slight, disarming novel about a gay man’s effort to reconcile with his five sons on his fiftieth birthday. Told episodically and in flashbacks, the story introduces Joseph Licht, a man who met and fell in love with Rabbi Yoel Rosenzweig and left his family to go live with his lover.


Reviews of the novels: The Sixth Form and At the Bottom of the Sky.


THIS NEW BOOK of photographs is remarkable in a number of ways. … [and] comes with a pair of plastic glasses that produce the 3-D effect and magnify the image as well. …


In Two Lives Malcolm, Malcolm makes good use of quotations from writers and historians, as well as books written by Stein and Toklas, particularly Wars I Have Seen and The Alice B. Toklas Cook Book. 


“CHEERING STUDENTS filled River High’s gymnasium. Packed tightly in bleachers, they sang, hol-lered, and danced to loud hip-hop music. Over their heads hung banners celebrating fifty years of River High’s sports victories. The yearly assembly in which the student body voted for the most popular senior boy in the school to be crowned Mr. Cougar was under way, featuring six candidates performing a series of skits to earn student votes.”

Thus begins Dude, You’re a Fag …


AT ONE POINT in the “true story” of the early years of his life, Elliot Tiber describes meeting Marlon Brando and Wally Cox in the San Remo bar in Greenwich Village. Although this encounter took place over forty years ago, Tiber reproduces, in improbable detail, the conversation of the three men.


THE NEW KID opens with Humphrey-named after the Casablanca actor, he explains-experiencing the dread of being “the new kid” in town and school.


THIS DEEPLY FELT, humorous, and extremely wise book is a remarkable achievement. In Honorable Bandit: A Walk Across Corsica, author Brian Bouldrey takes the reader on a queer journey across Corsica …

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