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COSTA RICA is widely praised as the longest-running democracy in Latin America and has always been among the leading nations in the Economist’s Democracy Index. But earlier this year,…More


SEN. MIKE LEE (R-Utah) has reintroduced legislation in the U.S. Senate seen to enable anti-LGBT discrimination in the name of “religious freedom”—and Donald Trump made signing such legislation a campaign promise.


Black men, with our posturing and profiling and mean-mugging and such, disclose to the world and to each other that we are unbreakable, never vulnerable or scared; and then we wonder why we are seen as so hard and perhaps even harsh.


IN MAY of this year, the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication reported a startling poll finding: 39 percent of Americans believe there’s at least a fifty percent chance that climate change will kill off the human race.


ONE OF THE SURPRISES of the Trump campaign and presidency has been the presence of prominent and vocal gay male supporters, such as Peter Thiel and Milo Yiannopoulos. In Europe, however, gay men have played a role in populist far-right parties for years …


IN 2012, San Francisco-based biopharmaceutical giant Gilead Sciences launched Truvada as the first antiviral drug approved by the FDA as a means of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV prevention.


“SURREAL” is a good descriptor for the sensory experience of the 2016 presidential election. Consider the contrived chaos akin to a “reality show,” the cartoonish quality of much of the discourse, and the shrill rhetorical attacks on various constituencies—though seemingly not the LGBT community.


In my work as a human trafficking expert witness and researcher, I have become acutely aware of internationally acclaimed organizations that restrict resources based on a victim’s sexuality.

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