Commentary on current events
MoreFROM THE STANDPOINT of GLBT rights, it now seems likely—although by no
means certain—that 2008 will be the year in which the political system
caught up to the country. I do not always subscribe to the view that
the public is ahead of the politicians in terms of enlightenment, but
on the question of protecting people against discrimination based on
sexual orientation or gender identity, the voters have been ahead of
the politicians.
MoreTHE MODERN American civil rights movement began at the 1948 Philadelphia Democratic convention when a hitherto unknown Minneapolis mayor, Hubert Humphrey, rose to defend the platform committee’s minority report on civil rights.
MoreThe 2007 state legislative season has been the most productive in the history of the GLBT rights movement. For the first time in our history more than half of the U.S. population will live in jurisdictions that outlaw discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation
MoreThe following remarks were offered by the author at a panel discussion comprised of G&LR contributors at the Equality Forum conference in Philadelphia in May. Moderated by editor Richard Schneider, the other panelists were Andrew Holleran, Mark Merlis, and Natalie Hope McDonald … much of the discussion focused on the continued viability of literary gay fiction in an era of declining readership, burgeoning media options, and GLBT assimilationism.