Kramer on Theory: Rebuttal and a Defense
To the Editor:
Jason Schneiderman’s article [G&LR, Jan.-Feb. 09] about my article [Sept.-Oct. 09] certainly shows a great deal of work. I wish I could understand it as something more than what I have come to name all queer studies: gobbledygook. You people do seem to find unlimited ways to obfuscate the obvious. Perhaps my answer to the David Halperin question that you ask [“Does the ‘pæderast,’ the classical Greek adult, married male who periodically enjoys sexually penetrating a male adolescent, share the same sexuality with the ‘berdache’…?”] will make my point more clear: Yes, I do think that all the people he lists are homosexuals: the Greek “pæderast,” the Native American “berdache,” the New Guinea tribesman and warrior, etc., etc.