Shock and Horror
“SURREAL” is a descriptor that expresses the peculiar sensory experience of the 2016 presidential election. Consider the contrived chaos akin to a “reality show,” the cartoonish quality of much…More
“SURREAL” is a descriptor that expresses the peculiar sensory experience of the 2016 presidential election. Consider the contrived chaos akin to a “reality show,” the cartoonish quality of much…More
THE JUNE 12TH MASSACRE at the LGBT club Pulse in Orlando illustrates the commonalities between hate crimes and terrorism. Hate crimes tend to be more targeted against a particular demographic…More
The international outrage over the new Russian law prohibiting “propaganda on non-traditional sexual relationships”—and the call for a boycott on Russian products—has spilled over into some cultural institutions in the U.S. and elsewhere.”
In New York, the Metropolitan Opera’s gala opening on September 23 was a Russian-themed affair, and
MoreU.S. v. Windsor recognized a proposition with potentially far-reaching effects: the idea that bans on same-sex marriage, which exist in most states, embody constitutionally impermissible prejudice against gays and lesbians.…More