

Dickens was intrigued by the ways in which the past is never past but continues to haunt our dreams and waking hours. Scrooge’s penalty late in life was the apparition…More

AFTER A SILENCE of more than twenty years, I got a phone call from an old friend of mine, living in San Francisco. Now dying in San Francisco. Upon announcing…More


“Why is gay porn so popular in Pakistan?” asked a recent headline in Mother Jones magazine (June 2013). After adjusting to this somewhat surprising revelation, the mind reeled with hypotheses.…More


Recently G(&)LIT (the new gay literary tumblr for The GLR) was excited to get a review copy of Poems Retrieved: Frank O’Hara. So, this article, which nominates O’Hara as one of the foundational…More


In this video, frequent GLR contributor Richard M. Berrong  discusses the catalog of a recent art exhibit centered around a single painting, Gustave Moreau’s  Salomé Dancing Before Herod. Joris-Karl Huysmans…More