Reviews of Ultimate Gay Sex, The Gay Man’s Kama Sutra, and Best Gay Asian Erotica.
MoreNovember-December 2004
Following are the transcripts of two speeches delivered at the Democratic National Convention in Boston last July. No corresponding GLBT leaders were invited to speak at the Republican Convention. Barney Frank…More
Beyond Shame is a unique and strangely moving account of what went right—and what went wrong—with gay life in America over the past 35 years.
MoreCOLE PORTER has been considered by many to be the best writer of popular songs in show business history, but his impressive œuvre has been significantly incomplete until now, as the following stories of a number of lost songs demonstrate.
MoreSalvador da Bahia is perhaps best known to tourists as the most “African” city in Brazil. The administrative center of Bahia State, the third-largest city in Brazil and the…More
Last season on the hit television series Law and Order, a young, “straight-acting” African-American male from a black neighborhood stood trial for the murder of a gay white man…More
Desire, Lust, Passion, Sex by Jameson Currier Green Candy Press. 288 pages, $14.95 THE TITLE of Jameson Currier’s book of short stories, Desire, Lust, Passion, Sex, making use…More
IN THIS, his second book in a proposed three-volume series, literary interviewer Richard Canning offers up more of the meaty, critically rich interviews of the kind that he gave readers in his first book, Gay Fiction Speaks (which I reviewed in the Fall 2001 issue of this journal). The twelve writers in Hear Us Out are an impressive bunch, including such well-known gay novelists as Christopher Bram, Michael Cunningham, Bernard Cooper, Stephen McCauley, Gary Indiana, and Colm Tóibín.
MoreClay’s Way by Blair Mastbaum Alyson Books. 242 pages, $12.95 BLAIR MASTBAUM’S impressive comic debut novel, set in Hawaii, presents the serious love choices of its fifteen-turning-sixteen-year-old narrator…More