Men in Black and White
COWBOYS are queer-or at least they were in frontier tales of the 19th century. Such is the conclusion of Chris Packard’s new book on this topic. …
MoreNovember-December 2005
COWBOYS are queer-or at least they were in frontier tales of the 19th century. Such is the conclusion of Chris Packard’s new book on this topic. …
MoreBY ALL ACCOUNTS gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered youths comprise a disproportionate number of at-risk youths across the U.S. They are substantially more likely than are straight youths to experience homelessness, whether because they run away or because they’re forced to leave home by their families. They’re more likely to attempt suicide and more likely to commit truancy or to drop out of high school altogether to avoid an intolerable situation. …
More… THE RELIGIOUS-SOUNDING title of gay liberation scholar Will Roscoe’s important new book, Jesus and the Shamanic Tradition of Same-Sex Love, might give anyone who has cast off Judeo-Christian monotheism the willies. But readers starved for better fare in gay discourse … will find in Roscoe’s scholarly yet accessible book …
MoreJOHN WATERS describes Shock Value as “just about my final position paper on the shock/underground period of my career.” Nevertheless, he says, reporters continue to quote from this book when they interview him …
More… Many times throughout these interviews Vidal claims that the novel is dead and then goes on to blame college English courses for killing literature for the reading public. …
More… A popular public speaker and national media commentator, Boykin was invited to be the featured speaker at this year’s annual dinner meeting of the Harvard Gay & Lesbian Caucus. Soon thereafter, the following exchange was conducted in real time on the Internet.
More… The most recent studies show that approximately ten million children in the U.S. have one or more lesbian, gay, or bisexual parent. The media present us alternately as either blissfully well-adjusted or angrily screwed up-or ignore us altogether. …
MoreThis article first appeared in Salon.com, at www.Salon.com. An on-line version remains in the Salon archives. Reprinted with permission.
MoreWHERE ARE WE in the struggle for gay rights in the United States? Are we in the early stages of what will become a successful mass movement for equal civil rights and respect? Or have we reached the highest point of advance for the time being-where we have persuaded many fair-minded people to disdain homophobia, but have lost the momentum to the well-organized and more powerful forces of conservative backlash? …
More… Derrick is not self-hating, homophobic, or confused about who he is. He just doesn’t think he’s gay.
Derrick is not a lone exception. This I discovered through interviewing young women with physical or romantic attractions to women, talking to youths in gay/straight alliances, reading youth stories gathered by others, listening to young people at the annual True Colors conference over the past decade, and reading the scientific literature. …