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Three Photographs
I debate with myself, back and forth, for a week, and now I have to choose one photograph to give to the designer. All three elegant black and white photos in front of me are beautiful shots with lovely dramatic lighting, great contrast. …
MoreThis Guy Was Straight?
If the “sexual purity” movement has escaped your gaze, suffice it to say it is a Christian campaign that’s all about virginity and sexual abstinence until marriage, and it…More
In DNA Veritas
First it was a couple formerly known as “the Two Maidens”—two bodies buried in frozen embrace at Pompeii in 70 AD—who turned out to be two dudes (see the…More
In DNA Veritas 2
When the concept of the “gay gene” emerged in the 1990s, it was warmly embraced by LGBT leaders, who saw the gene theory as bolstering their argument that sexual…More