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Anal Chic  It would be hard to think of a more fashionable hunk of real estate than the Place Vendôme in Paris, that center of haute couture and five-star hotels…More


Keep the Well in Greenwell  There was once a country singer named Josey Greenwell who had a following and was openly gay (as reported by But then he…More


Quipping for Equality  It was one of those stage-managed events in which a politician visits a popular venue and has a few awkward encounters with “real people” for the…More


Planet of the Gay Apes  The paranoid style of American politics is such that it’s a safe bet that eventually every conspiracy theory that can be conceived will be conceived—and…More


You Might Be a Rednik  Now that the Putin regime in Russia is officially in bed with the U.S. evangelical movement, it’s time for a new coinage: the Rednik.…More


Sweatin’ with Cong. Schock  When Barney Frank came out as gay in his forties, he was relieved to discover that his constituents really didn’t care about the sex life…More


A White Elephant  What are we to make of a lifelong Republican strategist and opponent of marriage equality who does a complete 180 and decides, not only that he’s now…More


Rainbow Over Sochi  Russia’s growing hostility to gay rights has come to the world’s attention as we anticipate the Winter Olympics in Sochi. When the German team introduced its…More


The Confession of Pope Francis  It’s official: there really is a “gay lobby” in the Vatican as rumors would have us believe. The newly seated pope, Francis I, actually…More


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