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Set mostly in the Delta region of Mississippi where [Nick] White was born and raised, the collection (Sweet & Low) is divided into two sections. In a story in the first section, “The Lovers,” a widow slowly realizes the truth about her husband’s secret life after she discovers an unrecognizable pocket watch among her husband’s belongings. …
The stories in the second section are interlinked, focusing on the life of one Forney Culpepper, who matures from childhood to early middle age over the course of six varied and finely crafted stories.


Nicola Griffith’s new novel So Lucky, a slim book about the progress of a little-understood chronic disease, multiple sclerosis, seems unexpectedly narrow in scope when compared to previous efforts. However, the subject matter is partly autobiographical.


In the aftermath of Stonewall, The Boys in the Band was accused of being an example of a retrograde representation of gay life. Self-pity and guilt over one’s gayness were out of fashion, while coming out of the closet was in. Now, fifty years later, we have the first Broadway production of Mart Crowley’s play, and some may ask: do we need to go back there? For what purpose?


THIS YEAR I’ve reviewed half a dozen of the ten or so films that I saw in June at the Provincetown International Film Festival—not officially an LGBT filmfest, but hey, it’s P’town.…More


The Gospel According to André Directed by Kate Novak Magnolia Pictures THIS YEAR promises a bumper crop of film documentaries. Already released are films on Grace Jones, Ruth…More


Charlie Cinnamon: Legendary Press Agent Jewish Museum of Florida, Miami Beach June 19 to Sept. 16, 2018 IN THIS RETROSPECTIVE exhibition of the extraordinary career of Charlie…More


UZODINMA IWEALA’S powerful, timely novel, Speak No Evil, tells two interrelated stories, told from each of the main characters’ point of view.


AT FIRST GLANCE, a title like “Gay on God’s Campus” suggests the depressing old tale of gay people’s suffocation in Bible-fog. In fact, nothing about this book is depressing, and it serves as something of a light in the fog, focused as it is on how gay students and their supporters have succeeded in moving their colleges into, if not exactly the 21st century, at least a reasonably modern way of treating LGBT students.


The Damned Don’t Cry, They Just Disappear: The Life and Works of Harry Hervey by Harlan Greene University of South Carolina Press. 184 pages. $29.99 IN 1993, John…More

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