This Guy Was Straight?
If the “sexual purity” movement has escaped your gaze, suffice it to say it is a Christian campaign that’s all about virginity and sexual abstinence until marriage, and it…More
If the “sexual purity” movement has escaped your gaze, suffice it to say it is a Christian campaign that’s all about virginity and sexual abstinence until marriage, and it…More
First it was a couple formerly known as “the Two Maidens”—two bodies buried in frozen embrace at Pompeii in 70 AD—who turned out to be two dudes (see the…More
When the concept of the “gay gene” emerged in the 1990s, it was warmly embraced by LGBT leaders, who saw the gene theory as bolstering their argument that sexual…More
By Lilian McCarthy
MTV recently decided to morph its Are You the One? franchise into a “sexually fluid” experiment. In the new season of the show, coined Come One Come All, sixteen people live in a mansion together …
When it’s time to book your next getaway, you might like to visit one of the world’s more welcoming LGBT hotspots, and there are plenty to choose from. Listed below are some unmissable destinations …
MoreAfter the ’69 riots, the word “gay” was widely adopted and had a pretty good run. The profusion of identities—some that would have been covered under “gay” but also a few new ones—is nicely captured by the pileup of signs.
MoreStart with a wildly improbable premise, throw in a huge cast of characters, let them all be Italians, and you’re in for a madcap romp that must set a record for number of words spoken in a 100-minute film.
MoreThe structure of this film may be puzzling and some of the plot devices implausible, but the charisma between its two central characters is enough to draw the viewer into its insular world.
MoreIT WAS EITHER kismet or dumb luck that the original production of The Boys in the Bandappeared Off-Broadway in 1968, the year before the Stonewall Riots. Everyoneof note seemed…More
Before leaving for San Francisco in the early 1970s, I had been involved in the Civil Rights struggles in the South and protested against a senseless war…More