Browsing: Here’s My Story

Blog Posts


By Lee Wind
If the people in power can prevent people from feeling empathy for each other, they can keep everyone divided and consolidate their hold on power. By making stories of Queer lives and loves illegal, unspeakable to children, they aim to push Queer people back into the closet.


By Rachel Noah Matlow
Although he was technically forgetting who I am, there’s also something affirming about his honest assessment of my gender. It’s as if he’s been studying me each time with fresh eyes and taking me in anew.


By Les K. Wright
One evening, a guy asked me if I wanted to go to the Central Arms. He explained it was a gay bar, and “with your good looks you’ll be popular.”


By Gregory Walters
While the attraction to live in gay neighborhoods—West Hollywood, the Castro, Boystown, Chelsea—is less than it used to be, LGBTQ people still gravitate to urban areas and states where we can live more and fight less.


By Mecca Jamilah Sullivan
As a writer, my characters’ queerness is always as central to their stories as their Blackness, their gender, or their size. For me, this is what it means to create full characters: they have multiple facets, live in multiple worlds, and it’s the precise alchemy of such multiplicity that defines them.


By Mike Maimone
Music has always been cathartic for me, but in this one area, I felt blocked from releasing anxieties via artistic expression. Although I was out, I felt stuck in a different closet. All that changed when I met Howard.


By Camille Kellogg
Growing up, I certainly knew that butch lesbians existed. But it never crossed my mind that being butch was an actual, viable option for my future.


By John Brady McDonald

While it is true that it has been over twenty years since I’ve been in a relationship with a man, it’s always awkward to explain to others that my attraction to men isn’t something I ‘switched off,’ and that it is no different than a heterosexual relationship built on trust, love, and loyalty.


By Jonathan Fuller
But when my friends from youth group started confessing who, in that incredibly small pool, they had a crush on, my innermost thoughts betrayed me. The face I pictured belonged to E.   


By Caitlin Hanratty
“Uh huh,” I reply, as if it’s a universal truth: we fall in love with people as individuals, not their gender. I am following a new logic, though I don’t quite understand it.  

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