Mathilde Krim (1926–2018): A Personal Reflection
I MET and spoke with Mathilde Krim, who died on January 15th at age 91, some time in the mid-1980s, at a party to which I’d been invited at her…More
I MET and spoke with Mathilde Krim, who died on January 15th at age 91, some time in the mid-1980s, at a party to which I’d been invited at her…More
I AM AFRAID of deep water and I am afraid of dying. I am not alone in these fears. And, yet, an ancient frescoed image discovered at Paestum,…More
I REMAIN HAUNTED by a remark a famous novelist made during her public talk at Sewanee University a few summers ago. She lamented, with much audible derision, that…More
I ENLISTED in the U.S. Air Force a year after North Korea invaded South Korea in 1950. I wanted to be a pilot, something that seemed glamorous to…More
This piece was inspired by an article in the new issue of The G&LR: “HIV Survivors and the ’16 Election,” by Brian Bromberger. I TELL MY STORY and…More
There aren’t many medicines available in our emotional cabinet that cure heartache. There’s the age-old remedy of time. That works, but oh so slowly and it never really…More
There are brands that are practically branded into our thought processes—the swoosh along the sides of sneakers, a pair of golden arches, an apple with a bite taken…More
WritersReadOnline.com is a live series in which writers read their essays aloud at the Cell Theater on West 23rd Street in New York City. Founded by Ed McCann, himself a writer and…More
“IS IT TIME to do a James Baldwin?” is an inside joke of mine, and a cerebral one at that. It’s one I like to break out every so often…More
AFTER A SILENCE of more than twenty years, I got a phone call from an old friend of mine, living in San Francisco. Now dying in San Francisco. Upon announcing…More