Browsing: March-April 2019

March-April 2019

Blog Posts


Bledsoe grew up in Portland, Oregon, and now lives with her partner Patricia Mullan in Berkeley Hills, California. A novelist and nonfiction writer, she has been awarded two National Science Foundation fellowships for writers, and her books have been translated into five languages. Exploration and discovery on a personal and global scale mark her work.


[Dear America] ends—around the time of Donald Trump’s inauguration—with Vargas confessing to feeling “lost and alone.” He wonders if it’s time to return to the Philippines. Despite this gloomy conclusion, Dear America is a story that highlights one man’s courage, honesty, and humanity in the face of an appallingly callous immigration system.


ADRIENNE RICH (1929–2012) was a 20th-century poet who wrote essays and criticism with the same ease and effectiveness that she brought to her major craft.


In Weight of the Earth: The Tape Journals of David Wojnarowicz, we see the artist as vulnerable and self-questioning. For two periods in his life, 1981–’82, and 1988–’89, he ad-libbed into a tape recorder touching on topics such as life in the city versus living close to nature, the distractions that interfere with artistic output, sensitivities about art as self-revelation, the dangers of art-world acclaim, loneliness and isolation, [and] sex as …


I was able to read David Bottrell’s book – memoir, Working Actor: Breaking In, Making a Living, and Making a Life in the Fabulous Trenches of Show Business – in manuscript, and we had a freewheeling conversation about all things DDB in December.


Even before Mineo’s version, Fortune and Men’s Eyes shocked people with its homosexual and prison life content. Young Smitty is sent to prison for a minor crime. His aggressive cellmate Rocky offers an option: basically, submit sexually …


ACTOR Thom Bierdz’ return to reprise his starring role on the daytime soap opera The Young & the Restless sounds like something out of—well, it sounds like something that could only happen on a daytime soap opera.

Larry Phillips

THIS MAGAZINE would not exist were it not for Ellis L. Phillips III, known to the world as “Larry” but to me as “Lars,” which is how I’ll refer to him here, with your indulgence. It was Lars who recruited me to join an alumni organization and take over the editing of its quarterly newsletter, which became the incubator for The Harvard Gay & Lesbian Review …


Scientists in Britain have created a machine that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to perform the perfect blow job. The development of “Autoblow” follows the publication of a paper titled “Analysis of Movement in Oral Sex Performed Upon Men,” based on 108 hours of nonstop blow job videos.
