And now, coming to you from Mobile, it’s the Prancing Elites! Down main street they sashayed, part of the Christmas parade in Semmes, Alabama, a town of 2,000 that wasn’t prepared for the spectacle of a dance troupe of black drag queens in (Mrs.) Santa ensembles. Turns out the booking was an accident on the part of the organizing committee, the Friends of Semmes, who must have thought it was the local cheerleading squad’s annual entry. Onlookers were reported to be “outraged and appalled” by the drag queen spectacle, or professed to be. Someone had the foresight to videotape the Elites, and the footage went viral on YouTube. So the townsfolk got their fifteen minutes; the Prancing Elites ended up booking some new gigs; and the Friends of Semmes were fired as next year’s parade organizer. Too much excitement!