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By Jessica Mills
While in elementary school I, like most children, grasped the concept of gender but hadn’t yet faced the term’s social significance. I remained unaware that my family differed from others.


By Scott Bane
My connection to Matthiessen and Cheney came through my sexuality, their relationship, Maine, and Matthiessen’s chosen field of study: history and literature.


By Lucas Hilderbrand
Early on, strangers also often teased me, amused by the idea that going to gay bars was “research.” Almost imperceptibly, as the years went by, this shifted; people no longer thought historicizing gay bars seemed like a joke.


By Allen Ellenzweig
Based on the autobiographical novel Arrête avec tes Mensonges by Phillipe Besson, Lie With Me presents Stéphane Belcourt (Guillaume de Tonquédec), a renowned novelist, returning to his French hometown for the first time in 35 years to be feted by the local gentry.

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