The catalog of anti-gay clergymen and politicians who’ve gotten caught with their hands in a bad place is so long at this point—many instances having landed on this page over the years—that the bar is always being raised on what qualifies as BTW-worthy. Thus, for example, the recent arrest of a Delaware politician described as a “rising star” might have been humdrum if not for the sheer number of sex counts on which he was charged: 113, including 39 first-degree felony counts of unlawful sexual intercourse. Republican Eric Bodenweiser, described as a “rabid anti-gay activist” with close ties to the Tea Party, had a lock on a seat in the Delaware state senate in last November’s election until he abruptly withdrew from the race following his October arrest. One victim testified that he had been sexually molested by the accused as a small child (from age five to eight) in the late 1980s. So, Mr. Bodenweiser gets a mention not only for quantity but for sordidness. And for the fact that he was a leader in Delaware’s Family Policy Council, which pushes a stridently anti-gay agenda. Finally, there is the distance of his fall from grace to consider: from looking at a seat in the senate one minute to looking at the lining of a prison cell the next.
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