Browsing: Lesbians

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Lesbian subjects have been largely erased from history. Consequently, often in the past, and even today, the biographer’s task is made all the more difficult by the subjects themselves, their executors, and their gatekeepers. Tackling erasure requires a special kind of courage and dedication on the part of the biographer, as I discovered in restoring the life of Romaine Brooks. Joan Howard joins this distinguished sisterhood with We Met in Paris.


WHAT’S WITH THE “GOOD” in the subtitle of your book? people ask me. Couldn’t you get the “best” writing? or (tongue in cheek) is it writing by “good lesbians”? The subtitle of Something to Declare echoes that of an earlier anthology, Wonderlands: Good Gay Travel Writing.


Millett was forced out of the closet by a woman—probably someone she knew—during a 1970 speech at Columbia. As she later wrote in her memoir Flying (1974), which details the ups and downs that fame had brought her, she proclaim her lesbianism …


Battle of the Sexes Directed by Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris Cloud Eight Films, Decibel Films, Fox Searchlight, TSG Entertainment BATTLE OF THE SEXES recounts what…More


The Michigan Womyn’s Music festival was by 1982 thriving on 650 acres of privately owned land, where the separatist ideal of uninhibited women-only space took root. Making the pilgrimage to the fern forest where one could party without a shirt became the rite of passage for political dykes of my generation.


Over the past decade, we have each had pronounced experiences with pain which have punctuated our ongoing conversations about literature, queer theory, feminism, and daily life. While we have…More


A somewhat larger proportion of the women—about two-thirds—specified their preference for a butch or femme partner in their ads, but a substantial majority (66 percent) were silent on this matter.

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