Ding Dong, The Witch Is Dead!
No pulling of punches on this one: Exodus International has just announced that the group is closing its doors forever, and we rejoice. For years E.I.’s mission has been to…More
No pulling of punches on this one: Exodus International has just announced that the group is closing its doors forever, and we rejoice. For years E.I.’s mission has been to…More
For years the far Right has been insisting that gay people comprise a mere one percent of the population—which somehow bolsters their belief that we don’t deserve equal rights.
MoreSometimes these items almost write themselves, and there’s just nothing much to add. Take the recent rant by Rev. Pat Robertson of The 700 Club (yes, it still exists), when…More
Right-wing newspapers and talk show hosts insist on using the word “homosexual” rather than “gay”—and with good reason, if their goal is to subtly denigrate GLBT people. A new survey…More
“And Here’s To You…” Meet Iris Robinson, a Member of Parliament in Northern Ireland who’s involved in a nasty financial scandal. But first, to appreciate the relevance of this faraway…More