Author: David Masello

Blog Posts


By David Masello
In Stephen McCauley’s eighth novel, You Only Call When You’re in Trouble, the main figure, Tom, is a suddenly-single gay architect living in Cambridge, Massachusetts, who specializes in designing “tiny houses” for high-end clients.


By David Masello
I have long wanted to live with a split pomegranate or raw oyster on the half shell, even a partially peeled lemon, whose rind corkscrews about the stem of a goblet of wine. I now live instead with yet another coveted element from that imaginary table of still-life objects typical of the Dutch Golden Age …


By David Masello
For those of us who live alone and are single, these months of not actually being with people, have resulted in a sense of isolation and alienation far more profound than I think we realize…


When I first read Flecker’s poetic ballad, I knew without any gender reference that he was addressing a young male. “It was no sooner than this morn/ That first I first found you there,/ Deep in a field of southern corn/ As golden as your hair.” And: “For we are simple, you and I,/ We do what others do./ Linger and toil and laugh and die/ And love the whole night through.”


JIM NABORS (1930–2017), best known for his TV role as Gomer Pyle, was one of my first heroes in life, even before I understood why. Gay men of…More


I REMAIN HAUNTED by a remark a famous novelist made during her public talk at Sewanee University a few summers ago. She lamented, with much audible derision, that…More


There aren’t many medicines available in our emotional cabinet that cure heartache. There’s the age-old remedy of time. That works, but oh so slowly and it never really…More


There are brands that are practically branded into our thought processes—the swoosh along the sides of sneakers, a pair of golden arches, an apple with a bite taken…More